Then * Now

Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003/7:27 pm


My mother found a spot of vomit that had made it's way to the top of our toilet.

She wiped it away with a tissue which she shoved into my face whilst screaming and shouting at me.

Saying i look terrible, that i'm selfish and asking why i'm still doing it.

I needed to talk to her.

I needed to talk to her so badly.

I need to talk to someone i'm so scared.

I threw up so much blood today, more than i ever have before.

It just poured out of me.

Stomach pains are pesistant.

I feel so ill.

I'm crying.

No one will help me, I have no one to turn to and i don't know what damage i've done.

I need someone here to support me, but i am completely alone.

My friends don't know me, i tried to tell Cassie today but couldn't, she wouldn't care.

Why should anyone care?

Maybe i deserve to die from this.

I don't know if i can do this anymore.

I'm crying again. I can't stop.